Dark Sable reu van 1,5 jaar. Goed geplaatst donker oog. Goed aangezet, maar te zwaar tippend oor. Voor en achter evenredig gehoekt. Jeugdig gangwerk passend bij de leeftijd. Erg baasgericht en klaar voor actie.
Butters deed het echt heel goed, ik ben trots op mijn ventje!
Today we went to a judging that was organized by the Dutch Sheltie Club. Every Sheltie could participate in the judging, also neutered shelties, too big, too small, floppy ears, kink tail etc.
So a very good opportunity for my Butters to participate too! It's always fun to get a judging report from a professional judge...:
Dark Sable male 18 months, well placed dark eye. Ears well carried, but tipping too much. Front and back proportionate angulation. Youthful movement fitting with age. Very focussed on owner and ready for action.
Butters did really well, I am very proud of my little boy!
Shelties, Shelties, Shelties EVERYWHERE!